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来源: 发布时间:2014-01-20 17:09:58 浏览次数: 【字体:




第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)





1.What is the man’s phone number?


B .377-765-8679

C. 377-765-8769

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A . Store

B. Classroom

C. Hotel

3.What is the man doing?

A.Giving the woman advice

B.Encouraging the woman

C.Frightening the woman

4.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.What the weather will be.

B.What they like doing in their spare time.

C.What they will do this weekend.

5.What will the man most probably do tomorrow?

A.Go to the party

B.Spend time with Linda

C.Celebrate his 32rd birthday

第二节 (共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)



6.What did the woman think of the English Literature course?

A.Interesting B. Difficult C. Dull

7.Which course is the woman going to take this term?

A.Literature B. History C. Chemistry


8.Why doesn’t the man go to watch TV in the sitting room?

A.He doesn’t like watching news.

B.He wants to spend time with Ann.

C.He has no interest in watching TV.

9.How old will the man be when his mother buys him a laptop?

A.10 B. 12 C. 14


10.What is the study the woman read mainly about?

A.Most of the time people spend online at work is wasted.

B.People spend some time on Facebook every day.

C.Most people like surfing the Internet at home.

11.What do we know about the man?

A.He isn’t good at managing his time.

B.He likes talking with his friends online.

C.He surfs the Internet to relax at home.

12.What is probably the woman?

A.A newspaper reporter

B.An office lady

C.A computer expert


13.How many students took the course?

A.14 B. 15 C. 16

14.What does the man in the course do on Tuesday morning?

A.Writing poems

B.Reading poems

C.Teaching poems

15.What kind of poems does the man think are good poems?

A.Poems describing beautiful things.

B.Poems written in beautiful words.

C.Poems showing readers the world through the poet’s eyes.

16.How did the kids respond to the poem “ Between Walls”?

A.They showed interest in it.

B.They found it too difficult.

C.They found it boring.


17.When did Benet publish his 5thbook?

A.Around 1920 B. Around 1925 C. Around 1930

18.How did Benet make most of his money?

A.By writing poems for local magazine.

B.By writing stories for local newspaper.

C.By writing stories for popular magazine.

19.What did Benet do with the award of 2,500 dollars?

A.He donated it to an organization.

B.He used it to continue his writing.

C.He used it to study American’s Civil War

20.What do we know about Benet?

A.He read his poems on American and British radio.

B.He used his poems to teach history students.

C.He received American’s Pulitzer Prize in 1929.




21.------ Thank you so much! How can I repay you for your kindness?

------- _________. It was nothing.

A. I don’t care

B. Don’t mention it

C. Sounds great

D. Never mind

22. The incident has received great interest __________ reports of strange lights in the sky.

A.in case

B. due to

C. now that

D. in advance

23. ------ Justin doesn’t look very well? What’s wrong with him?

------ He has a headache because he_________TV too long.

A. was watching

B. watched

C. had watched

D. has been watching

24. ------Do you believe what Kelly said?

------ I am afraid not. She likes ________ such amazing stories.

A. making up

B. taking up

C. showing up

D. turning up

25. ________ seems to be no possibility _________ Amy can win the first prize in the match.

A. It; that

B. There; that

C. There; whether

D. It; whether

26. We already have ______ pencils, but we need two ______ pens.

A. dozen of, dozen

B. dozens of, dozens

C. dozens of, dozen

D. dozens of, dozen of

27. My friend Jack is fond of traveling. That is to say , he is enthusiastic ______ traveling.

A . of

B. about

C. in

D. for

28. ------ What’s your dream , Mark?

------ My dream is to be a/an ________ like Neil Armstrong who landed on Moon in 1969.

A. captain

B. detective

C. candidate

D. astronaut

29. The whole village went out ________ a missing boy.

A. in search for

B. search for

C. searching

D. in search of

30. ------ What are you doing recently?

------ I have been busy _________ my holiday with my brother, Colin.

A. being arranged

B. to arrange

C. arranged

D. arranging

31. ------ Colin , shall we have a picnic tomorrow?

------ I’d like to , but I _________ a flight to Morocco this time tomorrow.

A. will take

B. took

C. take

D. will be taking

32. I’ll buy a large backpack in advance to carry my _______ of food and water.

A. offer

B. supplies

C. provide

D. defence

33. ________ mobile phones are bringing us convenience; they may also cause a lack of communication face to face.

A. When

B. As

C. While

D. If

34. The driver was at _______ loss when word came that he was forbidden to drive due to speeding.

A. the

B. a

C. /

D. an

35.Colin _________ off the camel when a child ran towards him.

A. got

B. would get

C. was about to get

D. had got

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


American cities are36other cities around the world. In every country, cities reflect(反映) the37of the culture. Cities contain the very38side of a society: opportunities for education, employment and so on. They also39the very worst parts of a society: violent crime, racial discrimination(种族歧视) and poverty. American cities are changing, just40American society.

After World War II, the population of41large American cities decreased;42, the population in many Sun Belt cities increased. Los Angeles and Houston are cities43population increased. This population moving to and from the city reflects the changing values of American society.

During this time, in the441940s and early 1950s, city people became wealthier. They had more children. They needed more45. They moved out their flats in the city to buy their own houses. They bought houses in the46, areas near a city where people live. These are areas without many offices or factories. During the 1950s the American's “dream” was to have a house on the outskirts(郊区).

Now things are changing. The children of the people who47the cities in the 1950s are now adults. They,48their parents, want to live in the cities.49continue to move to cities in the Sun Belt. Cities are expanding and the population is50in such states as Texas, Florida and California. Others are moving to more established cities of the Northeast and Midwest,51as Boston, Baltimore and Chicago.

Many young professionals, doctors and lawyers are moving52into the city. They prefer the city53the suburbs(近郊) because their jobs are there; they are afraid of the fuel shortage; or they just54the excitement and opportunities which the city offers. A new class (阶层) is moving back into the cities—a wealthier,55mobile(流动的)class.

36. A. different from

B. similar to

C. better than

D. worse than

37. A. values

B. worth

C. importance

D. expenses

38. A. well

B. good

C. better

D. best

39. A. remain

B. gain

C. contain

D. keep

40. A. likely

B. as

C. while

D. when

41. A. all

B. most

C. few

D. much

42.A. but

B. and

C. however

D. although

43. A. its

B. which

C. where

D. that

44. A. late

B. later

C. lately

D. latter

45. A. space

B. spots

C. time

D. food

46. A. streets

B. downtown

C. districts

D. suburb

47. A. moved to

B. left

C. reached

D. entered

48. A. likely

B. like

C. dislike

D. unlike

49. A. Some

B. All

C. Several

D. Lots of

50. A. stretching

B. widening

C. increasing

D. spreading

51. A. such

B. these

C. those

D. many

52. A. out

B. from

C. away

D. back

53. A. than

B. better than

C. rather than

D. to

54. A. win

B. enjoy

C. earn

D. acquire

55. A. very

B. and

C. more

D. or




Welcome to Wonderful Museum. This month we are having a special display about old machines from different countries. You can find the ways machine were used to help people one hundred years ago. How did the Germans make their first cars? How did our grandfathers use their farming tools? When did the Americans try to make their planes? And when did the Spanish make comfortable shoes in their factories? You will find the answers.

After this visit of the machine history, enjoy some coffee by our wonderful coffee-making machines in Yarn’s Café in the corner of this floor.

56. If Henry is a car fan , who is dying for the history of car making , which room will he surely visit?

A. Japanese Room

B. Chinese Room

C. German Room

D. Spanish Room

57. What is the best name for the special display in Wonderful Museum?

A. Traffic History

B. Old Machines

C. The Business World

D. The Communication Ages


Hao jinsong is facing a strong opponent(对手).So strong, in fact, that most others can do nothing but obey, but Hao doesn’t want to. He waits patiently for months, and then takes a sudden action.

Hao is a 33-year-old graduate student at China University of Political Science and law. He is bookish and not as strong as Schwarzenegger or as fast as Spider-Man. And the property(财产) he is fighting for goes for less than a bottle of water.

But, he has managed to become a real headache for his opponents-China’s railways.

And he sounds like a trouble maker. Since last summer he hasfiledsix lawsuits(诉讼) against the railways and Beijing’s subway. Hao has complained(投诉) about some shops in the train station refusing to give him a receipt(收据), something that most passengers choose to give up.

“I’d call myself a lawyer rather than a trouble-maker,” said Hao, explaining how he had struggled for a receipt as preparation for his complaints on purpose“That’s the softest part of a strong administration, the only part that an ordinary man can find fault with and attack legally(合法地),” he continued. “I just want to make this hole bigger so that consumers(消费者) get what they should have.”

The results haven’t been so bad so far. However, thanks to Hao’s effort(努力) at Beijing’ s No.8 Subway line people now get a receipt after paying to use the toilet there.

“Chinese need a civic consciousness(公民意识).They need to know that they are the absolutely(绝对地) equal(平等) of the government, which should serve the taxpayers. ”

Some people say that Hao is selling himself via(通过) the media. Far from denying that Hao admits that he’s good at taking advantage of news reports. In fact, he rarely has enough time for classroom work. Instead, he’s at an interview every week. He was even too busy to bother to wash his face before the interview.

58. The underlined word “file” in the passage means .

A. place documents(文件,资料) in files

B. ask for legal proceedings(法律诉讼)

C. make an application(申请)

D. arrange(安排) things in order

59. When some people say that Hao wants to show off, .

A. he doesn’t agree to it

B. he is angry with them

C. he doesn’t mind it

D. he feels disappointed

60. What can we know about Hao jinsong?

A. He must be getting crazy.

B .He doesn’t know of himself.

C. He wants to become a hero.

D. He is on his right way.

61. We can infer from the passage that .

A. Hao has won all his lawsuits with the help of the news media.

B. Chinese still have a long way to go before building a legal society

C .Hao is born an opponent to the railways and the subways

D.Most people support Hao and help him to win his lawsuits


Apple Inc co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs, counted among the greatest American CEOs of his generation, died on Wednesday at the age of 56, after a years-long and highly public battle with cancerMourners gathered outside his house in Palo Alto, California, and Apple stores around the world
Steve Jobs made technology funAs tech leaders, they're really happy if they have one hit in their lifeSteve Jobs has the Apple II, the Mac, the iPod, the iPhone, the iPad and Pixar
Steve Jobs was a college dropoutHe was adopted by a machinist and his wife, an accountantThey supported his early interest in electronicsHe and his friend Steve Wozniak started Apple Computer—now just called Apple —in 1976They stayed at the company until 1985That year, Steve Wozniak returned to college and Steve Jobs left in a dispute with the chief executive
Mr Jobs then formed his own company, called NeXT ComputerHe rejoined Apple in 1997 after it bought NeXTHe helped remake Apple from a business that was in bad shape then to one of the most valuable companies in the world todayHowever, Steve Jobs stepped down as Apple's chief executive in August because of his healthHe died a day after the company released a new iPhone version that met with limited excitementSteve left behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple
President Obama said in a statement: by building one of the planet's most successful companies from his garage, Steve Jobs exemplified the spirit of American ingenuity(独创性的).By making computers personal and putting the Internet in our pockets, he made the information revolution not only accessible, but intuitive and fun
The fact that he was able to redesign American commerce top to bottom and across is really stunningHe probably will be considered an industrial giant on the scale of Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, so one of the greatest of all timeSteve Jobs not only revolutionized technology, he also revolutionized American businessSteve Jobs was remembered as a "great visionary and leader" and a "marketing genius"
How did the people around the world probably feel when Steve Jobs died of cancer at the age of 56
UnfairBEmbarrassedCUncomfortable DSorrowful
According to the second paragraph, the author wants to show that ______
ASteve Jobs makes great contributions to mankind in the field of computers
Steve Jobs has a lot of inventions in the field of computers

CTech leaders will be happy when they have one hit in their life
Steve Jobs owns many companies in America
Which of the following statements about Steve Jobs is NOT TRUE?
Steve Jobs didn't finish his college
BSteve Jobs and his friend built a company called Apple Computer in 1976
CPresident Obama spoke highly of Steve Jobs for his achievements
DSteve Jobs was remembered as the founder of Apple and the Internet
65The underlined word "stunning" in the last paragraph probably means ______
Aexciting Bamazing Cpuzzling Dinteresting
This passage is mainly about _______
Athe inventions of Steve Jobs
the childhood of Steve Jobs
a brief introduction of Steve Jobs
the death of Steve Jobs


Wind—even the slightest of winds can prevent frost (霜冻). That's because wind is like a spoon in your cup of tea: it stirs(搅起) things down and brings down a lot of warm air that often floats just above housetops and trees.

It may seem strange, but ice itself sometimes can protect crops from frost. Some growers actually spray(喷水) their crops with water on a freezing night. Water freezes quickly on plants and then a strange thing happens. As long as ice stays wet, it can't get colder than -10° F, a temperature many plants can stand. By continual spraying water on the ice, the growers keep it from going below-10° F even if the air is much colder. This may defeat frost and save plants.

This strange kind of "ice blanket" works only on plants that are strong enough tostandthe weight of frozen spray. This is used even to protect banana plants on some Central American farms.

67. If the ice became entirely frozen and dry, suppose what might happen.

A. The plants might be frozen to death.

B. The plants might benefit from it.

C. It might save the plants.

D. It might make the plants grow slowly.

68. Ice can save plants rather than destroy them on condition that they are _______.

A. used to frost

B. quickly frozen

C. not strong enough

D. sprayed regularly

69. The best title would be ______.

A. Ice Can Be Nice

B. Ice Battle

C. Frost Saves Crops

D. Ice Is bad

70. In which of the following sentences "stand" has the same meaning as in the last paragraph?

A. He could hardly stand .

B. This house stands the test of time.

C. The UN stands for the United Nations.

D. He stands in terrible danger.




Bad dreams are commonly experienced by children all over the world. Children often ask their parents to look around their room, under their bed or behind the door to check that there’s nobody there so that they can sleep in peace. The fears in real life may sometimes turn into bad dreams at night.

Children may wake up all of a sudden and start crying at night or they may insist that they should sleep with their parents. That’s why, instead of letting the children live in fear of bad dreams, parents should take action to stop their children from having bad dreams.

Bad dreams in children can be caused by a number of things. The most common one is when a child is exposed (使暴露) to some scary images and scenes in storybooks or cartoons. The visual influence of these scary images can last for a long time and children may start having bad dreams because of them.

Research in the field shows that any traumatic (极不愉快的) event in a child’s life can lead to bad dreams. For a child, anything that makes him cry can be traumatic and thus can be dreamed about. If the child has been given injections, if he has ever been left behind or left alone by the family, or if he has just started going to school — all these things, which may seem less serious to adults, can actually cause bad dreams.

Parents whose children are experiencing bad dreams should talk to the children about dreams at first. Parents can share some of their own dreams while having breakfast to let the child know that it is normal to have them. If the dream has been really scary, parents can tell a story and turn it into something positive or funny.

Parents should ask the child if he is having some problems at school or if anyone is trying to frighten him. Basically, the idea is to create a safe environment for the child to live in. Before sleeping, reminding the child of some good and happy things that he will do next morning will help him sleep in a positive mode and thus, can prevent bad dreams.

Having the children maintain the same sleeping patterns matters. There are some other things that parents can do to stop bad dreams in children, such as making them sleep and wake up in a regular way, leaving the light on in their room while they are sleeping, reading them a nice bedtime story, or making them pray before sleeping to calm their mind.


Bad dreams in children


* It is quite common for children to experience bad dreams because of the fears in real life.

* Some children cannot sleep (72)_______.

* Some children wake up (73) ______ at night and start crying.

* Children may insist on (74) ______ with their parents.

(75) ______ for bad dreams in children

* Some images and scenes that (76) ______ children

* Some traumatic events in their daily life

(77) ______ to stopchildren from having bad dreams

* Talk to children and help them (78) ______ about dreams.

* Turn bad dreams into positive or funny ones by making up stories.

* Help children solve their problems and give them a safe living (79) ______.

* Remind children about some good things they will do next morning.

* Maintain the same sleeping patterns.

* Make children sleep and wake up (80) ______leave the light on, etc.



71. ____________

76. ____________

72. ____________

77. ____________

73. ____________

78. ____________

74. _____________

79. ____________

75. _____________

80. ____________



July 15


July 22


July 25


July 27



Moroco the Sahara Desert the River Neil

Lake Victoria Kenya





1-5 CABCB 6-10 ACABA 11-15 CBBCC 16-20 ABCBC


21-25 BBDAB 26-30 CBDDD 31-35 DBCBC

36-40 BADCB 41-45 BCCAA 46-50 DBDAC 51-55 ADDBC




71. Title 76. scare/frighten

72. peacefully 77.Ways/How

73. suddendly 78.know/learn

74. sleeping 79.environment

75. Reasons 80.regularly


Dear Aihua ,

How are you ? I haven’t written for so long. I have been quite busy arranging my holiday to Africa. I can’t wait.

We leave London on July 15 , and we’ll be taking a flight to Moroco. Then we are going to ride camels through the Sahara Desert , which will takes us approximately 6 days.

And then on July 22, we are going to travel down the River Neil. We will start at Lake Victoria, where we will go white-water rafting. It’s quite dangerous but exciting. As a result , we have to wear helmet and a jacket for protection, just in case we fall into the water.

Afterwards, we are going on a trip to see wild animals in Kenya where we can get as close as possible to the animals such as elephants ,lions and giraffes even though it is a dangerous trip.

Finally , on July 27 we are going to be back. I’ll send you postcards from all the different places we visit.


